Friday, November 30, 2007

Seven Random Things About Me

Okay Sean, I'll do it, but do I have to tag anyone else? You can see that I just don't know that many bloggers yet. If I do have to tag, I think I'll tag TAMMA!
Here goes . . .
1. I once held a little brown bat as it died while on a Mammalogy field trip.
2. I hate the word rural but love the word asymptote.
3. I often asked for a pony for Christmas as a little girl.
4. I was a flag twirler for my high school marching band.
5. I was on the cover of the St. Francis Medical Center's periodical (Lynwood, CA) when I was just 6 years old.
6. I can't stand anything to do with avocados.
7. I am much better at playing piano songs with flats than sharps.
Hope you enjoyed it!


Sean and Janet Eyring said...

Very nice indeed! You can tag all your siblings-in-law!!

I guess I won't be giving you the Guacamole I had planned on for Christmas! J/K ;0P

Anonymous said...

Just some questions/comments-

2. How many times in an average week do you use the word asymptote? I'm just saying...

3. Weird...I was just thinking about you and your Palomino pony wish yesterday.

6. I can eat a whole avocado by myself. What happened? A bad avocado experience from the past? I figure that if you can eat fish eyes you can eat avocados. And no, I am not a representative of the California Avocado Board.

This was all thoughtfully written by your sister who cannot be tagged because she runs way too fast.

Jenna Harris said...

I so hear you on the avocados. Green and slimy. Is there anything worse?

I am so the same with the flats. Much, much better at playing flats than sharps. I would rather play a song with 6 flats than one with 3 sharps. Weird, huh?