Saturday, December 15, 2007

A funny thing happened . . .

Okay, so my next blog was going to be about Emily's Christmas program she did with her theatre group, but you can see that it didn't happen, so here's the story. We purchased a live Christmas tree for our living room, as is customary, and brought it home, placed it in its stand, filled it with water, and I went to decorating. We placed it in the stand hastily, however, and did a rather poor job getting it centered. I would explain the intricacies of our tree stand, but you would be bored, and I really don't want to, but suffice it to say that not having it centered well would pose some problems that evening. Emily was at her performance, Nathan was at Young Women in Excellence, and the boys were in the tub. Eliza was sitting in her bouncy seat watching me put up the village and get everything plugged into the power strip. I heard a clicking sound which told me that the lock on the tree stand had come undone, and I knew what would happen next. Unfortunately I was on the backside of the tree, and the tree fell forward, towards Eliza. She was at least far enough away that it didn't land on her, but the water from the stand ended up all over. Only a few ornaments broke, and most even stayed on the tree, but I was stuck holding up the tree, and I wasn't sure how I would get help. I carefully balanced the tree upright and ran for the phone. Nathan was done with his meeting, so he agreed to come help. The end result is that everything got put back together, and dried, but since Nathan was helping me, he missed getting to Emily's performance in time to get pictures of her in the finale, thus there was no blog about said performance. See, I had a point. The show, which we saw the night before, was excellent and heartwarming, and you can rest assured that Emily was darling and did her part perfectly. Anyway, you can see the tree instead of Emily, because it was the tree's fault (okay not really) that we got no pictures of her.
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Jenna Harris said...

Awesome post! I was laughing all the way through. I'm so sorry about the mess and broken ornaments, but I'm glad you didn't have to hold the tree up all night.

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind me lurking on your blog. My parents (Jerry & LeAnn) got your Christmas letter today, and I noticed your blog address at the bottom. Since I am an avid blogger I had to check it out. And to my surprise there were links to blogs of Tamma, Jared, and Wendell! I, of course, checked them all out too. Thanks for the good reading material for the evening. Feel free to check out my blog as well:
PS. Sorry about the tree! I am so glad it didn't hit the baby!!

New Beginnings. said...

That stinks about the tree- I have now added you to our blog