Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Marriage Tag!! Tiffany tagged me. great. here goes:

How long have you been married? 14 years
How old is your spouse? 35
Who eats more? Neither of us is afraid of food, but at a given meal, he usually eats more.
Who said I love you first? He did.
Who is taller? He is, but only by a few inches
Who sings better? That would have to be me.
Who is smarter? That would also be me, but Nathan is no dummy.
Who controls the T.V. remote? He does.
Whose temper is worse? His temper reminds me of my dad's. He gets mad, then lets it go. I can get upset, but don't do it as easily as my male counterpart.
Who does the Laundry? I do, though occasionally I can get Nathan to check to see if the clothes in the dryer are dry enough yet.
Who does the dishes? Mostly me, but every so often Nathan surprises me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? This question always confuses me. If it's the right side when I'm in it on my back, it's me. If you are looking at the bed from the foot of it, it's Nathan.
Who cooks dinner? I do at least 85% of the time. We have a kitchen chart and Nathan is responsible for cooking every Friday. He's not always home on Friday, however, so sometimes I am still cooking every day of the week. He'll barbecue though and sometimes cook breakfast.
Who is more stubborn? We're both stubborn. I may even be more so.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Probably Nathan, because am I ever wrong?Who has more friends? We both have a lot of friends, but I do things with my friends on a more regular basis. Many of Nathan's friends are people he associates with through work, so he golfs with them for work. We also have a lot of "couple" friends with whom we play games, barbecue, and hang out.
Who has more siblings? Nathan!
Who wears the pants in the family? Nathan. He just doesn't look good in a skirt!

Do I have to tag someone else? I don't think I have enough people on my friends and family list, but just in case they are reading, go Tamma and Sean