Thursday, January 10, 2008

Of all the things to be proud of . . .

Okay, so I feel totally ridiculous admitting this, but I accomplished something today that's been bugging me for months. Last year Nathan wanted a Nintendo DS for our anniversary, so we picked one, along with a few games, and everyone has enjoyed it ever since. Well, one of our original games was Super Mario Brothers, where there are 8 different worlds to conquer, blahblahblah. So, it didn't take long for me to figure out worlds 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8, but for some reason I couldn't even get to 4 or 7. It drove me crazy for way too long, and the other night I got on the internet to find clues for this game. I searched a few sites, and found the clue I needed to open worlds 4 and 7. Needless to say, it's now two days later, and I have successfully opened all worlds on the game (and conquered 4, almost 7). It was a great burden lifted from my psyche, and it's been a good day. Silly, eh?


Sean and Janet Eyring said...

I totally do NOT see you playing video games at all. I don't know why, I just don't.
But having said that, when you and all the kids are felling better, you need to come play baseball, tennis, golf and bowling on our WII.

We made your whole family worth of characters in preparation for that day!

Janet says hi, but then you know that because she was just there for piano lessons!

Jenna Harris said...

That is so funny, Paula. You go girl. Accomplishing important goals for 2008 left and right.